Category: Travel

Tips for your Namibia camping safari: what you need to know before you go

A camping safari in Namibia is a dream come true for those wanting to reconnect with nature and experience a country like no other in a way like no other: immersing yourself in nature, being outdoors and experiencing many magical safari moments which will stay with you for many years to come. Just before you head out to embark on your camping safari, your envious friends think of starry night skies, crackling campfires and the call of a hyena in the distance; while you begin to think about bathroom breaks, showering in a public space and feeding yourself in the middle of nowhere. No worries, we got you covered and share some useful tips for Namibia camping safaris.

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10 things to know before you go to Namibia

The mostly arid terrain that stretches from South Africa to Angola is one of the lesser-known safari destinations in Southern Africa, and yet it deserves so much more attention. Unlike its famous neighbours South Africa and Botswana, Namibia is a land of stark contrasts. Its complex history and one-of-a-kind nature spectacles only add to the country’s mystique. After travelling to Namibia, I realised that there were a few things you should know before you go.

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